21 de noviembre de 2014

The best gym for the brain is bilingualism

I read an article in a newspaper which gives me another reason to keep supporting bilingual education programs. It says that bilingual brains are better equipped to process information so the bilingualism at school become the best gym for the brain. The point is not the more languages you speak the more clever you are. If someone is able to speak at least two languages, will connect with others, will be able to use information in new ways and improve your listening skills among others. In Spain, especially with English language, a person can have access much more information about anything than in Spanish.

Read it in English: http://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2014/11/bilingual-brains-better-equipped-to-process-information.html

Read it in Spanish: http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/11/14/ciencia/1415985974_376968.html