15 de noviembre de 2014

My favourite teacher

I feel myself fortunate because I have come across with some good teachers in my student life. The thing I most appreciate in a teacher is the ability to activate my interest and care about the student's life, problems and learning. What makes a good teacher is a difficult question that I am going to try to give my opinion, from my experience.

My first favourite teacher was maths teacher even though maths was one of the most challenging subject for me. It was hard work to pass my exams but time later I have realised how much I learnt. The teacher looked like father christmas. He was ver charismatic and dedicated, always smiling and making jokes about maths. He makes you love maths even if you are not good at maths.

The biology allowed me to meet my second favourite teacher. She was very prepared and organized. She used to make smart, beautiful and colorful concept maps on the board and somehow taught us how to summarize, to study, synthesise. She was very exigent maybe and had no much ability of getting along well with people but always told us different real applications and interesting examples of that we were studying.

Another great teacher was Valencian subject teacher. Valencian classes were very dynamic because we used to go to the playground, library, school cafeteria or somewhere to take the class. He made us to read many books, to debate, to write and always took us with him in school trips to Amsterdam, Andorra, Barcelona ... at every course.

I could continue naming my university teachers but I think school and high schools teachers marked me more. At this point I am not be able to decide who is my favourite teacher because all of them are great. The conclusion is that each teacher is different, but good teachers are made up of a combination of hundreds of qualities so... the more the better.