20 de noviembre de 2014

Some video songs to use in CLIL lessons

In this post I would like to share with you some interesting stuff that it can be take into account when elaborating or designing CLIL lessons. The stuff is a video song series. I hope you find it interesting.


"Here comes the science" - They might be giants
I highly recommend this visual and musical material to use it in CLIL lessons. In fact all the songs and videos from "Here come the science" CD + DVD are great. They worth it because it has something for every grade education level of videos. Good cartoons, good music.

The videos are about scientific topics such as circulation, photosynthesis, speed and velocity and states of matter, common scientific myths. Always using real-world connections while having fun.

It can be useful to begin a unit, develop science vocabulary or study or to assess prior knowledge ...

Don't wait to see it or use it!

Meet the elementsI am a paleontologist


"Here comes the 123s" - They might be giants
 It is the band's first album to have won a Grammy Award. This children album has musical styles quite varied and I think that most children will love it, enjoy and consolidate what they are learning. The video songs have a great beat and it's something that children and adults enjoy listening. The video songs are about the numbers (it has one per each), seven days of the week, funny song about zero number, among others. You can find more in youtube.
One Dozen MonkeysZeroes

"Here comes the ABC" - They might be giants

It is a great children album about the alphabet. As well I think this material that most children will love it, enjoy and consolidate what they are learning. It's fun and educational. Songs, like "E Eats Everything," are recitations of the alphabet,  "The Alphabet of Nations" is a mini-atlas, spanning Algeria to Zimbabwe and "C Is for Conifers" offers an extra-credit lesson in botany as well as the alphabet. You can find more in youtube.
E Eats EverythingLetter / Not a Letter