19 de noviembre de 2014

Comments about an Edutopia article

 "3 Strategies to Improve Student Writing Instantly" 

Post from Edutopia.org 

The article focus on the curious fact about the difficulty of the students to write. There are students that don't feel able to write any line when the teacher ask them to do it but, on the other hand the same students have much to say when they are talking loud.

For the author of the article the solution is simple. If you make them to write what they talk, without technical writing, you can get those students to write as much as the talk.

Continuing with this, it mentions some strategies such as the student may record himself speaking an essay and then use it to write the essay. Another strategy mentioned is using an app that transcripts the speaking into text.

I liked a lot the article, it seems to be a good way, because the main idea can release them of the difficulties to start writing or teach them a way to switch on their creativity to write. As soon I have the chance to do it with my students ofcourse I will try it.

Original post: http://www.edutopia.org/blog/3-strategies-improve-student-writing-ali-parrish