22 de noviembre de 2014

The best linguistic program in Valencia

In my opinion the best linguistic programs are the PPEC and PPEV depending on the mother thonge. They're great because they face up to the real need  nowadays of english as a essential tool to get a better job, communicate with more people and get access to more information.
Basically PPEC and PPEV teach some curriculum content in a foreign language (usually English), each one has Spanish or Valencian language as a base or vehicular language.

But it is not so easy and simple. Valencian language has not been able to get the same linguistic normality as the Spanish. It is known that, here in Valencian Comunity, we have already a bilingual program with Valencian and Spanish languages that does not work as it should work. The reasons may be:

  • lack of prepared teachers to teach in Valencian language that finally prefer teaching in Spanish because they don't feel comfortable o can not express themselves as they would wish. 
  • Another reason may be the no aperture of new Valencian language lines because not all centers offer valencian teaching pathways.
  • Or just demand is decreasing.

The results from our previous bilingual programs show that only the PEP and PIL linguistic pathways guarantee the students proficiency in two languages (Valencian and Spanish). Now, PEV and PIL will disapear and we will have to talk about PPEV and PPEC.

There are many complaints because the decree does consider Valencian language at the same level of linguistic normality than Spanish language. Valencian language is not recognized as a minority language neither in an unbalance situation. So it seems that the decree marginates the Valencian language.

I totally agree with the complaints but I don't think the problem is the decree nor the English language. It is not fair to get the idea that trilingualism does not work in Valencian Community because with Valencian language did not work. We already had a weak plan to face with our previous bilingual programs and the changes introduced by the new one make the situation even worse.

But the solution, on my view, "seems" clear and it have to do with smart thinking and effort. I think if the State offers all education programs in all centers, people will have the academic freedom and the satisfaction to exercise their rights. Teachers have to be better prepared and follow the law taking the responsibility to be able to teach in official and co-official language like other teachers from other Communities do.

Regarding to English, I think soon or later we will have to deal with, so the sooner the better. Moreover, the students deserve to receive all the tools for end education as better prepared as we can to become a citizen of the world.

21 de noviembre de 2014

The best gym for the brain is bilingualism

I read an article in a newspaper which gives me another reason to keep supporting bilingual education programs. It says that bilingual brains are better equipped to process information so the bilingualism at school become the best gym for the brain. The point is not the more languages you speak the more clever you are. If someone is able to speak at least two languages, will connect with others, will be able to use information in new ways and improve your listening skills among others. In Spain, especially with English language, a person can have access much more information about anything than in Spanish.

Read it in English: http://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2014/11/bilingual-brains-better-equipped-to-process-information.html

Read it in Spanish: http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/11/14/ciencia/1415985974_376968.html

20 de noviembre de 2014

Some video songs to use in CLIL lessons

In this post I would like to share with you some interesting stuff that it can be take into account when elaborating or designing CLIL lessons. The stuff is a video song series. I hope you find it interesting.


"Here comes the science" - They might be giants
I highly recommend this visual and musical material to use it in CLIL lessons. In fact all the songs and videos from "Here come the science" CD + DVD are great. They worth it because it has something for every grade education level of videos. Good cartoons, good music.

The videos are about scientific topics such as circulation, photosynthesis, speed and velocity and states of matter, common scientific myths. Always using real-world connections while having fun.

It can be useful to begin a unit, develop science vocabulary or study or to assess prior knowledge ...

Don't wait to see it or use it!

Meet the elementsI am a paleontologist


"Here comes the 123s" - They might be giants
 It is the band's first album to have won a Grammy Award. This children album has musical styles quite varied and I think that most children will love it, enjoy and consolidate what they are learning. The video songs have a great beat and it's something that children and adults enjoy listening. The video songs are about the numbers (it has one per each), seven days of the week, funny song about zero number, among others. You can find more in youtube.
One Dozen MonkeysZeroes

"Here comes the ABC" - They might be giants

It is a great children album about the alphabet. As well I think this material that most children will love it, enjoy and consolidate what they are learning. It's fun and educational. Songs, like "E Eats Everything," are recitations of the alphabet,  "The Alphabet of Nations" is a mini-atlas, spanning Algeria to Zimbabwe and "C Is for Conifers" offers an extra-credit lesson in botany as well as the alphabet. You can find more in youtube.
E Eats EverythingLetter / Not a Letter

19 de noviembre de 2014

Comments about an Edutopia article

 "3 Strategies to Improve Student Writing Instantly" 

Post from Edutopia.org 

The article focus on the curious fact about the difficulty of the students to write. There are students that don't feel able to write any line when the teacher ask them to do it but, on the other hand the same students have much to say when they are talking loud.

For the author of the article the solution is simple. If you make them to write what they talk, without technical writing, you can get those students to write as much as the talk.

Continuing with this, it mentions some strategies such as the student may record himself speaking an essay and then use it to write the essay. Another strategy mentioned is using an app that transcripts the speaking into text.

I liked a lot the article, it seems to be a good way, because the main idea can release them of the difficulties to start writing or teach them a way to switch on their creativity to write. As soon I have the chance to do it with my students ofcourse I will try it.

Original post: http://www.edutopia.org/blog/3-strategies-improve-student-writing-ali-parrish

15 de noviembre de 2014

My favourite teacher

I feel myself fortunate because I have come across with some good teachers in my student life. The thing I most appreciate in a teacher is the ability to activate my interest and care about the student's life, problems and learning. What makes a good teacher is a difficult question that I am going to try to give my opinion, from my experience.

My first favourite teacher was maths teacher even though maths was one of the most challenging subject for me. It was hard work to pass my exams but time later I have realised how much I learnt. The teacher looked like father christmas. He was ver charismatic and dedicated, always smiling and making jokes about maths. He makes you love maths even if you are not good at maths.

The biology allowed me to meet my second favourite teacher. She was very prepared and organized. She used to make smart, beautiful and colorful concept maps on the board and somehow taught us how to summarize, to study, synthesise. She was very exigent maybe and had no much ability of getting along well with people but always told us different real applications and interesting examples of that we were studying.

Another great teacher was Valencian subject teacher. Valencian classes were very dynamic because we used to go to the playground, library, school cafeteria or somewhere to take the class. He made us to read many books, to debate, to write and always took us with him in school trips to Amsterdam, Andorra, Barcelona ... at every course.

I could continue naming my university teachers but I think school and high schools teachers marked me more. At this point I am not be able to decide who is my favourite teacher because all of them are great. The conclusion is that each teacher is different, but good teachers are made up of a combination of hundreds of qualities so... the more the better.