23 de enero de 2015

What would I say is the most important thing about science (in a CLIL context)?

The science curriculum requires learning objectives and outcomes, competences and content. If I were not limited by the curriculum in a CLIL context class, I would reduce the quantity of formal assessment (exams) and focus on the improvement of the student competences instead of study mainly to pass the exams. I think these competences are no enough developed nowadays and it is important to strengthen them. What is important now is skills, knowledge is on the internet.
The fact to be in a CLIL context involves work through 4 C’s model of Do Coyle to teach successful lessons. In today’s world the most important thing is the competence acquire and to become independent and self-regulating learner, so it would be very useful to teach the students how to get the skills. I would focus on:
  • Communication. To improve scientific communication, Participate in debates, presentations, create reports and communicate in the clearest, most effective way possible and for a real purpose in a real context
  • Content. Content knowledge using the simplest form of language.
  • Cognition. To provide scaffolding strategies (input, output and transformation) allowing the students build their own knowledge. Specially learning to learn and communicative competence and higher order thinking skill, developing discourse, analyse the information, take decisions.
  • Culture: to encourage students to understand themselves as citizens of the world, to strengthen transversal themes, social issues or problems, to promote international awareness and understanding, learning community of a class and school to local and global cultures
  • Assessment. It is a big difference between what we typically assess and what we can assess. I find suitable using different kinds of assessment but it does not seem easy taking into account the student difficulties integration. I have read about that and come out issues: should we support foreign L2 or allow students to use mother tongue?, strengthen the content of the course or simplify the content or recess the level of demand? I would introduce the self-assessment for the students themselves measure their own progress, feedback and a mixture of formal and informal assessment.
Education is moving towards open learning and as a teacher I would support the change and get students take charge of their learning being self-directed. It would be necessary to encourage teachers to use alternative ways of planning and designing lessons for more effective learning. The more student output the better.

Science CLIL lessons